- This is my virtual living room. It’s not necessarily family-friendly.
- Comments will be moderated, when I get around to it. If you need instant gratification, go to one of those random social media sites people are living out loud on nowadays.
- Do not, under any circumstances, bring your personal turf wars onto my site. I am friends with people who are not necessarily friendly with each other, and I require that everybody play nice here or I won’t post your commentary.
- No naming names, no naming companies, no posting anything that could get any of us in trouble over any of those annoying boilerplate non-compete or NDA forms we all have to sign to get our paychecks.
- Don’t trash-talk your family here, please. Yes, we all have *that* relative, but this is not the place. Do what I do: call somebody you trust implicitly and have a nice vent on the phone instead.
- Lemme sum up: Please don’t be stupid, or a dick, and especially don’t be a stupid dick.